ello im sam!

Birthday:: 10th January, 2007

Sexuality: Asexual Unlabelled

Languages: English and Tamil

Yay: Ketchup, Unsolved, Food, Full House, Actors, Tamil movies, 90s/00s Tech
Yuck: Animals, Schoolwork, Toxic fans, Math, Fanwars, Hindi

- I love yapping I never shut up
- I have a new hyperfixation every other week
- I adore dinosaurs and Shadow The Hedgehog
- I love exploring new genres of music and movies

Welcome! My main inspo for this website was late 90s-early 00s and I might have not executed it perfectly but im trying 2 perfect it! This is all I could think of right now but I probably will add more stuff 2 this website if I get any good materials; This website is still very much under construction btw!

My Socials

Instagram Private Twitter Spotify